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The Academy For Highlevel

Level 2 - Become An Advanced User

Level 3 - Get Certified Official Automation Expert


  • Over 100 lessons covering nearly every inch of Highlevel

  • 15+ workbooks & help guides like workflows, appointments, and more

  • Multi-media resources perfect for visual, auditory, read/write, or hands on learners

  • Assignments & Assessments to evaluate your new skills

  • Live training sessions & workshops

  • Custom snapshot to use & experiment with

"Your video series is head and shoulders above all others. This is a work of art, the openness and over the shoulder how an expert at GHL would work at his/her craft, is amazing. This software is required by all businesses' in this digital age. But without understanding it, what use is it if you found 100 dentists that you convinced to get on board when you cant even get it going for yourself."

-Peter Patel

Academy, Highlevel, Gohighlevel, GHL, HL, automation, learn, training, train, certificate, educate, systems

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